
Quick Tips for First Time Home Buyers

            Want to buy your first home? You’ve probably got some cash saved for a down payment and maybe even recommendations for realty agents from savvy friends you trust. But have you cleared up your credit report, hired a tax adviser or considered the benefits of FHA financing compared with a conventional mortgage? Not every first-time homebuyer will need a tax adviser; but everyone interested in becoming a homeowner should prepare early with orderly finances, information and plenty of patience for the long and complicated process ahead.
            Since the housing market’s collapse in 2008, mortgage lenders and home sellers have become more demanding in the documentation they require for a home sale. And with the real estate market in the Washington area heating up for the spring season, you’ll need to think through the contingencies and prepare your balance sheet to compete with the other would-be home buyers making offers on properties — many of them with a track record of homeownership.
            Here are five quick tips on what potential first time buyers need to do:
            Step 1: Credit and Savings
            First, request a free copy of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus via https://www.annualcreditreport.com. Use only this link to avoid the many credit-reporting scams out there. If you see accounts on your credit report that you don’t recognize or if there are negative marks against you, act now to clear them up.
            If you see old credit cards that you no longer use, consider closing some strategically, starting with the newest, low-limit cards that are unused. Lenders prefer a low ratio of debt to credit limit, so it’s good to have more credit available than you use on a monthly basis. They also like to see long-standing lending relationships, so don’t close your oldest credit card. Finally, if you close too many credit cards in a short period, that raises a red flag as well.
            Step 2: Stick to your Budget
            Next, create or revise your monthly budget so that you are setting aside whatever money you’ll need to pay as a homeowner that you don’t pay as a renter. This includes the home mortgage, mortgage insurance, property taxes, condo or homeowner association fees, home furnishings, maintenance, cleaning and any utilities or fees that your landlord currently pays. Living with this budget month after month will teach you what you truly can afford when it comes to a house payment. It will also help you pay off any remaining credit card debt or add to the savings that you should already have amassed for a down payment. You’ll return to this budget when you actually make an offer on a home, so consider this just a draft version.
            Moreover, the bank and credit card statements that you use to create your budget will probably be requested by mortgage lenders when you get to that stage. Start keeping your financial statements and pay stubs in a file, where you’ll put new documents as they arrive so that everything remains current.
            Step 3: Find a Good Agent
            If you haven’t already found a realty agent who can guide you through the house process, now’s the time. Not only can your real estate agent advise you on the neighborhoods and new listings of interest, that person is your advocate in a competitive market. Ask friends, family and colleagues for recommendations of an agent with expertise in your target market.
            Your agent can help craft a strategy for being a competitive bidder. For instance, sellers prefer a buyer with no inspection or appraisal contingency, but you’ll need to think through your comfort level with paying for an inspection ahead of your offer being accepted and with buying a home that appraises for less than the sale price.
            Step 4: Find a Good Lender
            Your agent is also a terrific source for the other important professional for home buyers: a mortgage lender. Whether you work with a specific lender or a mortgage broker who can connect you with many lenders, it’s important to interview several individuals before choosing one. Don’t let anyone run your credit until you’ve made a decision, because several inquiries could raise a red flag and lower your credit score.
            Your lender can walk you through your financing options and the pros and cons of each one. You’ll also get a realistic view of how much you can borrow, based on your income and credit. Ask that person to run a hypothetical scenario so that you have a written estimate of the monthly principal and interest payments, closing costs, insurance fees and property taxes.
            Your lender can also walk through your credit report with you and give advice on improving your credit score, as well as a realistic view of how long it might take for your actions to be reflected in the credit bureaus’ records. Make sure you understand in what circumstances you’ll be required to buy the home — or will forfeit your earnest money — even if your loan application is ultimately denied.
            Step 5: Stay Alert and Ready
            All that remains now is to look at possible properties and to be ready to make an offer quickly if you find one that meets all your criteria. That means keeping your finances spiffy for the final check before the sale.
            When you find a property you want to buy, that’s the time to call utility providers for usage history, check on condo or homeowner association fees, get the property taxes and build all those extra costs into your monthly budget. Don’t let the beautiful home sway you if the expenses will push you over the limit of what you can afford.


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